Are we still open and other CVD19 questions

river scene for covid19 post

Kia Ora ataahua Taonga whanau,

short answers for those with little time;

  • Yes, we are still working.
  • 🎉🎉EDIT: WE CAN NOW POST AGAIN – YIPPEEE! While we are still at Level 3 we cannot have people visiting our workshop, but we can connect online so if you have any questions please do get in touch.

what strange times we are living in hey?  Before we go anywhere into the “what we are doing about Covid” muck we just want to reach out to you all and check that you are all ok?  Please do let us know, we truly do want to hear.  And if you need to reach out and talk to someone but not sure who’s there to listen then let me tell you, we are.  This is crazy stressful times and 100% we are all in this together now.  Never has Aotearoa been more together, separately.

So, get to the point about my taonga, I hear you say!  What does all this mean for a taonga you have ordered?

Tim and I work and educate our children from home anyway so there is really very little change for us – we will be working and carving as usual.

  • If you have ordered a taonga Tim is still bringing it to life for you.
  • You can still purchase taonga off the website.
  • We are still adding new taonga to the website.
  • Yes, you can still contact us about commissioning a taonga for you.

The only hitch is that we CANNOT POST your taonga out to you, at this stage.  Our PM Jacinda has sensibly closed down all post/courier services to non-essential businesses.  And while we like to think taonga is essential😉 we hear her and are 100% behind her.  So we will not be trying to flout her directive that non-essential business stay away from the courier services and we will leave them to get on with the more important job of keeping essential, life-sustaining services open.

We are on the business update email lists so that we can stay fully informed about things as they change for the non-essential businesses. As soon as Jacinda gives the ok we will get your taonga out in the post to you quick smart.

So, we are still here answering emails, carving and posting pretty things on social media to keep your spirits up. We can still work with you on your commission order. In fact, now is a great time to get your commission order in to us, we have plenty of extra time on our hands! Head on over here if you have been thinking about a commission piece and want to know how that all works.

Any questions or thoughts please do get in touch, we are here to help in whatever way we can.

And remember, STAY SAFE, STAY HOME, we are all in this together.

Thoughts and virtual hugs to you all

Tim and Morganne



Kāhu hawk pounamu pendant

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