Pounamu Necklaces and Pendants
Ahakoa he iti he pounamu - Although it is small, it is a treasure
You are purchasing a pounamu taonga, a treasure, and we believe our processes should respect that.
You will not find any mass produced, factory line, machine cut pieces here. Just hand carved goodness.
Te Kōuma Pounamu
$500.00Uhi Pounamu
$400.00Creamy Kokopu Pounamu Ira
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Don't quite see what you're looking for?
We love creating the perfect pounamu taonga specifically for you. It might be a gift or it may be a special piece for you or your whanau. Reach out to us, we'd love to talk about creating you something unique.
Some of the different styles of pounamu pendants we create

The Toki was used for a variety of everyday jobs and had to be strong to endure the cutting and scraping motions of its use. Because of this the pounamu toki pendant has become a symbol of strength (particularity in time of adversity), courage and fortitude. They were also worn by elders as a symbol of power, wisdom and authority.

The Roimata pendant is symbolic of the tears Ruakapangas’ Albatross cried when Pourangahua forgot to give prayers of thanksgiving for their safe return to Hawaikii. Roimata literally means a tear (of crying). Roimata are given as a way to show empathy, solidarity and shared emotion during times of sadness, and as a way to acknowledge someone’s loss and offer reassurance that they are not alone in their grief. The roimata represents deep affection, unswerving loyalty and love.

Porowhita (circle)
Pounamu jewellery in circular shapes have universal relevance as a symbol of the complete, perfection and wholeness, as well as the endless cycle of life and death, timelessness and eternity. Notches in the circular pattern are used to represent whanau and tupuna, thus commemorating those most important to us. For us, the circular pounamu pendants also represent celestial bodies and the circular nature of the universe.

Hei Tiki
Hei means “to tie around the neck” and a tiki is an abstract carving of a human form. The Hei tiki is, therefore, a carving in human form tied around the neck. While the significance of hei tiki in Maori society is evident in old images and writing, its origins are not clear. There are a number of theories in regards to its origin; Firstly, that the hei tiki represents Tiki, the first man created. Secondly, hei tiki may represent Hine-te-iwaiwa, a celebrated ancestress associated with fertility and the virtuous qualities of Māori womanhood. Thirdly some believe the hei tiki is the memento of ancestors or the embryo likeness of still-born children.
We are constantly creating new taonga
We would love to create the perfect pounamu taonga specifically for you. It might be a gift or a unique piece for you or your whanau.
Reach out to us, we'd love to talk about creating something special just for you.