Wiki – Kokopu Pounamu Pendant Necklace

Wiki are the ripples made on the surface of the water when something ascends from its depth or is thrown into it. This pounamu necklace, the colours of the stone, the feathered fractures deep within the kohatu, the dendritic markings around the edge all speak to those ripples that form in the water. Furthermore, while I couldn’t capture them on camera, there are little silver flecks of pyrite that sparkle amongst it all. Like the light dancing on top of the water.

Wiki reminds us that whatever we do ripples of reaction flow out from all of our actions.  Wiki reminds us to make sure that our actions result in ripples of kindness and generosity and love.  Wiki also reminds us that we are a drop in the ocean of many, we affect and are effected by everyone and everything around us. All part of the greater body of water.

The feather fractures within the stone are also chatoyant which means they flicker and move with the light and allow us a window to see into the pounamu.  If you are worried by the word fracture, don’t be. Feather fractures are tight and the fibres are felted in such a way that they do not make the pounamu weak. It’s really quite a magical taonga.

Flick through the photos to see it modelled on our niece, Hanni. You’ll see it has a beautifully carved front, great for holding and rubbing. And a flat back that sits comfortably against your skin.  A stunning taonga by Timoti.

  • Carved in Kokopu pounamu gathered by us from the awa of Te Tau Ihu
  • One of a kind Pounamu necklace
  • Diameter 63mm


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