Concentric Ring

Have you ever thrown a stone off a bridge just to watch those beautiful concentric circle’s ripple out across the water as the stone breaks the surface? If you haven’t taken a moment for this simple joy of life you really must. Those concentric rings are so perfect, so delicate, and that they can be made by an act of breaking is quite incredible.  Even better, throw a fist full of pebbles in and see all the rings overlap and create bigger, new circles. It is mesmerising. And so calming.  I could do it for hours.

Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote a wonderful essay just on circles.  This quote is one of my favourites;

Circles, like the soul, are never-ending and turn round and round without stop.

This ring is a nod to those concentric circles. To their simple, perfect beauty. To the peace they emote. To the analogies they inspire. To the wonder of nature, that it can create a more perfect circle than you can ever draw, and all from the breaking of a surface.

  • Kahurangi Pounamu from Te Tai Poutini and 925 Sterling Silver
  • Size: T available to ship now.  
  • Ring diameter 24mm

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Availability: In stock


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