Tapatoru toki

There is something perfect about a tapatoru(triangle). Amongst other things, tapatoru can represent the niho taniwha(teeth of the taniwha) and maunga. Combined with the symbolism of a toki this taonga is a strong piece.

Toki had to be strong to endure the cutting and scraping motions of its use.  Therefore it has come to be a symbol of strength(particularity in time of adversity), courage and fortitude. Toki were also worn by elders as a symbol of power, wisdom and authority.

Tapatoru are used extensively in Māori weaving from tukutuku and tāniko to kete and korowai and as such has become a prominent symbol of te ao Māori.

Tapatoru toki has a wonderful feel in the hand and that yellow edge is simply divine.

  • One of a kind taonga by Timoti
  • Pounamu from Te Tai Potini
  • 88mm length x 24mm width


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