Tapatoru in Marsden Flower Jade

There is something reassuring about a tapatoru(triangle), with its 3 perfectly proportioned sides.

Tapatoru are used extensively in Māori weaving from tukutuku and tāniko to kete and korowai and as such has become a prominent symbol of te ao Māori. Tapatoru may represent your maunga, the seat of your identity.  Or the niho of the taniwha, symbolising strength, the overcoming of an obstacle or challenge, or your connection to your tikanga and whakapapa.

Tim carved this piece from the magical golden Marsden Flower Jade. The colours are just stunning as they melt down into green.  Isn’t it amazing how kohatu can be such a melting pot of colour? He left the top edge of this taonga raw so that you can see and feel that kiri of the pounamu.

This is a lovely little taonga conveying strength and whakapapa.  Just the perfect size that you can easily wear it everyday and feel the strength of the pounamu, and your tupuna, with you wherever challenges you face.

  • One of a kind taonga by Timoti
  • Marsden Flower Jade from Te Tai Potini
  • 48mm length x 48mm width

💚Now every taonga you purchase helps us to carve a taonga for EVERY tamariki in care in Aotearoa. You can read more about our Tū Māia project here. Ngā mihi mahana for your support of this kaupapa!💚


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