Reel pendant in Serpentine

Reel pendants have been found across Aoteraoa. They were introduced to Aotearoa by our earliest Polynesian settlers, with 121 being found at one of the oldest archaeological sites in Aotearoa, Wairau bar. Many of them are carved from Serpentine, which is abundant in the Te Tau Ihu region.   While not a lot is known about these taonga, it is assumed that they were made purely as beads for adornment.

Tim decided to make one of these ancient pendants from Serpentine we find here in our awa.  He wanted to connect with the making process of our ancient tupuna. This Serpentine reel is the result.  It’s a cute wee pendant with a huge story.  And as a bonus it is really fun to twist and play with, great for the fidget in your life.  It would make a lovely present for either your tamariki or your partner.

  • Serpentine from Te Tau Ihu
  • 12mm length
  • One of a kind taonga By Timoti

💚Now every taonga you purchase helps us to carve a taonga for EVERY tamariki in care in Aotearoa. You can read more about our Tū Māia project here. Ngā mihi mahana for your support of this kaupapa!💚


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