Pouwhenua Kahurangi

Pouwhenau are the carved posts that mark territorial boundaries, ownership or places of significance. If you keep your eyes open you will see them all over Aotearoa.

Pouwhenua are significant to Māori.  Pouwhenua tell a story.  Pouwhenua acknowledge the relationship between the people and the land.  They are often carved to tell the stories of the people of that area. In modern times these have included the Pākehā activities on that land.  You will find them standing tall all over Aotearoa.

This taonga is a nod to pouwhenua.  Majestic sentinels of the wehnua.  And in stunning and sought after Kahurangi pounamu.

Tim deliberately left one face raw so you can see and feel the pounamu in its natural state. It’s lovely to run your fingers along. Very grounding.

Then, if you want to be further mesmerised, grab yourself a torch(phone torch is perfect) and lay this taonga right on top of it, you’ll see a glimpse of the beauty right inside this taonga. It’s something kinda magical, seeing inside a stone.  The green is electric. How is it even possible? Absolutely stunning.

  • Kahurangi pounamu from Te Tai  Poutini.
  • Length 80mm x 30mm widest point.
  • A one-of-a-kind taonga by Timoti.

💚Now every taonga you purchase helps us to carve a taonga for EVERY tamariki in care in Aotearoa. You can read more about our Tū Māia project here. Ngā mihi mahana for your support of this kaupapa!💚



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