Pounamu tītī feather

This tītī feather taonga is gorgeous – there’s not much more I can say! It’s striking, it’s elegant, and it has life in your hands. This piece would be the perfect final touch to a glamorous night out or a stand out piece at a hui. The lines and curves make it a soothing taonga to hold and play with. This cream and silver chatoyant pounamu is a unique piece for a unique person.
Length 120mm x 28mm(max width)

The Story
Tītī(or muttonbird, Puffinus griseus) is the young sooty shearwater seasonally harvested by Māori in the southern parts of Aotearoa. They are then salted and, historically, were kept in kelp bags for eating throughout the year. As an essential food source and a tradeable commodity tītī were considered animals to be respected. This tītī feather resembles the essence of the taonga that these birds are to Māori.


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