Marsden Flower Jade natural Toki

Toki had to be strong to endure the cutting and scraping motions of its use.  Therefore it has come to be a symbol of strength(particularity in time of adversity), courage and fortitude. Toki were also worn by elders as a symbol of power, wisdom and authority.

The toki makes a striking design when paired with this beautiful Flower Jade.

Flower Jade comes from the Marsden Valley in Te Tai Poutini. It is all commonly known as Marsden Flower Jade.  Distinct to Aotearoa it is one of the rarest Nephrites (NZ Jades) and is therefore highly sought after. 

The flower in its name refers to the golden patterns throughout the stone.  These patterns are caused by minerals seeping into the fractures while be rolled under pressure under a glacier. The flower jade is then deposited at the terminal and lateral moraines of the glacier (the sides and end).

Tim kept this toki simple as the stone itself does all the talking, no need to improve on nature.

  • One of a kind taonga by Timoti
  • Marsden Flower Jade pounamu from Te Tau Ihu
  • 52mm length x 20mm width



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