Little drops of aroha in Inanga pounamu

These little drops of pounamu are little drops of love.   You can purchase a single one as a gift to your loved one so they can wear it and be reminded of you. Or purchase them all and gift them to your tamariki, your partner, your parents or your best friends as a way of keeping you connected.

Pounamu is all about connection and these little drops of aroha will keep you connected to that which you hold dear.  It may be connection to your whanau, your tūpuna or your whenua. Or perhaps its a connection to a time spent happily, a memory held dear.

These gorgeous little pieces reminded us of sea glass worn smooth by the moana.  Hold them up to the light and they glow.  Quite magic.

The perfect size for newborn pēpē or an elegant pendant for an adult.  Do you need to gift a little drop of aroha today?

⭐️Please note, price is for one pendant only

⭐️If you are purchasing just one please let us know in the notes if you would like Tahi, Rua or Tohu toki.

Ahakoa he iti, he pounamu

Although it is small it is precious 

  • One of a kind, taonga by Timoti
  • Inanga Pounamu from Te Tai Poutini
  • Tahi: 43mm x16mm
  • Rua: SOLD
  • Toru: SOLD


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