Kiri-Pu-Tapu Hei Taonga – this one glows!

Kiri is skin, form, substance.  Pū-tapu is origin or source.  Kiri-pū-tapu – the original form of being.

Kiri-pū-tapu describes the fact that these pieces have been minimally worked so that they maintain their original form and skin.

You absolutely have to hold this taonga up to the sunlight (or, if the sun isn’t shining, hold against your phone light) – it literally lights up!  A stunning brilliant green hides within this kohatu. It is something rather special.  We didn’t photograph the glow because it’s such a beautiful surprise treat we thought we’d leave it for you to enjoy in real time.

Pounamu is such an incredible kohatu.  It is beautiful at every stage, whether it is carved or not.  We wanted to honour that in these taonga by keeping them as natural as possible.

It is wonderful to wear these taonga against the skin, very grounding and reassuring. They make me feel stable, calm and content.  Perfect for those days when you want your pounamu with you but you don’t want to be too loud about it as you go about your business.

This taonga is also a lovely small size suitable for tamariki.

  • Kawakawa Pounamu from Te Tai Poutini
  • One of a kind Free Form Hei Taonga
  • 63mm long x 13mm at widest point



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