Kaiora Niho Taniwha – Mana Taonga

Kaiora – to be awesome, amazing, formidable, imposing, impressive, majestic.  In colour and pattern, in size, in feel, this taonga is every single one of those things, kaiora.     Have a look through the photos and see for yourself.  One side even has the eye of the taniwha, can you see it?

Whakapapa notches have been carved down the side. Historically each whakapapa notch represented a generation and the tohunga would recite genealogy using the notches to aid his memory. Tim has used them on this taonga to represent our tupuna who walk with us and our tuhanga yet to come, whānau ever present.

The upper edge of this taonga has been left raw, you can get a good look at that in the 3rd photo.  This allows you to see and feel the kiri(skin) of this pounamu, what was seen when this piece was discovered.  Who would’ve guessed what incredible patterns were hiding inside.

Tim and I are absolutely in love with this taonga.  When you hold it in your hands you will understand why we have named this taonga as such. It just emanates a presence, you have to feel it yourself to understand. 

  • Cascade pounamu from Te Tai Poutini
  • 138mm length x 68mm width 
  • One of a kind, taonga by Timoti

💚Now every taonga you purchase helps us to carve a taonga for EVERY tamariki in care in Aotearoa. You can read more about our Tū Māia project here. Ngā mihi mahana for your support of this kaupapa!💚


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