Home, land and sea – Pounamu Toki

Trinity Roots are a legendary band from Aotearoa and their album Home, Land and Sea (definitely give it a listen if you haven’t) is one of our favourite albums of all time. The album is a love song to Aotearoa and its people, and a call to unity within this land.

When we look at this pounamu toki that is what we see, home, land and sea – earthy tones, green of moana and awa as they hit the sandy shore, or the khaki green of forest floors.  FLick through the photos and you’ll see what we mean about all the colours in this taonga.

We are priviledged to live in this most stunning of lands.  Tangata Whenua and Tangata Tiriti, this is our home.  And this toki is a nod to this beautiful whenua of Aotearoa.

The toki shape is significant too as toki had to be strong to endure the cutting and scraping motions of its use.  Therefore the toki has come to be a symbol of strength(particularity in time of adversity), courage and fortitude. Toki were also worn by elders as a symbol of power, wisdom and authority.   All the characteristics we need to be the best humans we can be.

  • One of a kind taonga by Timoti
  • Marsden Flower jade pounamu from Te Tai Poutini
  • 77mm length x 40mm width


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