Deep Marsden Pounamu Ira

Ira are dots. Beautiful, perfect, simple ira. Carved from the earth and so connecting you with Papatūānuku. Carved from minerals that have been a part of your universe since, well, the day dot. Each one with its own character, reminding you just how unique you are. 

These taonga are small enough for pepe to wear and look equally great on adults.  Everyone in our whānau wears one.

When you think about it, every single one of us begins life as the ira of an egg in our mother’s womb. Unique and beautiful and complete in our own right. Dividing and growing from a single ira. Precious wee dot.

Then, when we bring our ira together, a bigger picture is created. Just like in a Seurat painting, all those ira painted together to make one complete and beautiful image. Whanau, hapu, iwi all growing out of the union. Communities of people creating something beautiful. Because ira are like that, gorgeous on their own, and a whole new kind of beautiful when they are with others.   

However Ira doesn’t only mean dot, it also means your genes or life principal.  Your ira is what links you to your whakapapa, to your tupuna.  Your Ira is integral to who you came from and who you are today. We are a small ira on the map of human history.  We are a summary of our parts, all those ira coming together to make the complete picture of who we are.

Ira are a force of nature.  So we bring you these simply beautiful creations, because where would the world be without dots?….

With that we leave you with this whakatauki, so you can connect your ira…

Kia whakatōmuri te haere whakamua
I walk backwards into the future with my eyes fixed on my past


  • Marsden flower Jade Pounamu from Te Tai Poutini
  • One of a kind Taonga By Timoti
  • 24mm diameter

💚Now every taonga you purchase helps us to carve a taonga for EVERY tamariki in care in Aotearoa. You can read more about our Tū Māia project here. Ngā mihi mahana for your support of this kaupapa!💚




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