One-of-a-kind pounamu and chromite earrings

It is difficult to show, or tell, just how gorgeous these one-of-a-kind pounamu earrings are.  They are just magnificent, with their unique colour and distinctive detail.

Large, wafer-thin discs of pure Te Tau Ihu Tangiwai pounamu magic.  Adding interest and magic to any outfit, they make you feel stronger and stand taller.

These whakakai are light in the ears, magical with the light behind them and simply magnificent in their detail.  Perfect for the wahine who loves earrings that are interesting, unique and make her stand out from the crowd.

Shine your unique light with these beauties in your repertoire.

The Story

Inanga is a small silvery-white native fish, commonly known as Whitebait.  These small fish are found in streams, rivers, lakes, ponds and pools throughout coastal regions of Aotearoa.  Inanga pounamu takes its name from these fish.  We think these earrings truly reflect the feel of the inanga moving along the edges of the river banks.

  • One of a kind taonga by Timoti
  • Inanga pounamu from Te Tau Ihu
  • Total Lenght 74mm. Pounamu 60mm diameter


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