Te Moana nui a Kiwa

Te Moana Nui a Kiwa – The great ocean of Kiwa, otherwise known as the Pacific Ocean. The largest and deepest ocean on earth, it cradles Aotearoa in its southern waters and links it with the whenua of our tupuna – the Pacific Islands.  Our tupuna explored and navigated this vast ocean, settling new lands and spreading their language and culture throughout the moana.  In later years te moana nui a Kiwa also brought our Pākehā tupuna to these shores.  None of us would be here without this majestic ocean, literally.

Stand on any shore edge around Aotearoa, gaze out to sea and you are taking in the beauty and majesty of Te Moana Nui a Kiwa. Teeming with sea life, it is home to more marine species than any other ocean on the planet.  Our planet relies on this great body of water to regulate the global climate and for food security. Kiwa was a kaitiaki of this great moana and we must carry on his legacy for our mokopuna to come.

This taonga represents te Moana Nui a Kiwa and our connection to and dependence upon it. With its golden edging set on swirled greens, you can imagine yourself standing on golden shores gazing out at the majestic moana of Kiwa beyond.

“We should not be defined by the smallness of our islands but in the greatness of our oceans. We are the sea, we are the ocean. Oceania is us.”
— Professor Epeli Hau’ofa

  • Kokopu from Te Tau Ihu
  • 40mm length x 49mm wide 
  • One of a kind, taonga by Timoti

💚Now every taonga you purchase helps us to carve a taonga for EVERY tamariki in care in Aotearoa. You can read more about our Tū Māia project here. Ngā mihi mahana for your support of this kaupapa!💚



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