Tangiwai Toi

This little beauty is made from the tip of a larger stone of Tangiwai pounamu. It was so beautiful in its own right, with its golden rind merging into the green, that Tim couldn’t help himself but make a pendant from it.

We chose the name Toi for this taonga because not only does it mean the tip but it also means art and indigenous.  This piece, coming from the tip of the pounamu kohatu, is the beginning of the indigenous art that will be created from the rest of this kohatu.

Scroll through the photos to see how both sides of this kohatu are so different and beautiful.

The pictures and patterns within this piece will keep you coming back to look for just a little bit longer.  The kohatu itself is the work of art, Tim just presented it to the world.

  • One of a kind taonga by Timoti
  • Tangiwai pounamu from Te Tai Poutini
  • 69cm long x 30cm wide


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