Porotakataka Pounamu

Porotakataka-  to go round and round. And this taonga is both of those. And isn’t that what circles do? So simple yet so beautiful. The porotakataka pendant is classic and elegant and would look stunning worn in any situation.

A little tricky to photograph but I hope you can see that the top side thins out a little.  Tim did this so you can hold it up to the light and see the beautiful colours and patterns in the pounamu. Also, if you have another piece of Pounamu, hold the porotakataka like a triangle and ‘ring’ it with your other piece of pounamu.  It makes a lovely crystal like tinkle, like good pounamu should.

This is just a beautiful, simple, elegant taonga and would make a lovely gift for the love of your life, or someone you want to convey respect and honour too.

  • Marsden Flower Pounamu from Te Tai Poutini
  • 80mm diameter
  • One of a kind, taonga by Timoti

💚Now every taonga you purchase helps us to carve a taonga for EVERY tamariki in care in Aotearoa. You can read more about our Tū Māia project here. Ngā mihi mahana for your support of this kaupapa!💚


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