Natural Marsden Flower Jade Pebble e Rua

Marsden Flower Jade pebbles of completeness. I don’t know if that makes sense. But when you pick up these small taonga you know, they have to stay just as they are.  They cannot be cut and shaped to suit our plans.

This one still bears all of its battle scars. Fractured, but not broken. These taonga were never wasted by our tupuna.  Their wairua never discarded or treated with disrespect.

Their flaws make them more beautiful.  Layers that shift and move in a way I can’t capture with still pictures.  You can actually look into its depths.

Once you hold this taonga in your hands and play with it you will see why these natural pounamu pebbles are so special.

Fractured but not broken. Your very own pounamu pebble to be with you on your journey.

  • Truly a one of a kind taonga by Timoti
  • Marsden Flower Jade from Te Tai Poutini
  • Length 42mm x 31mm wide


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