Honu Pounamu – Pounamu Turtle – Mana Taonga

Honu is turtle.  I don’t think the name of this taonga needs much explaining.  But just look at this cutie!  Honu Pounamu is made from one single pebble of pounamu.  I love the way Tim sees an image in the kohatu and then works with the patterns and rhythms in the pebble to bring the image out. Honu Pounamu is just that.   Tim left the underbelly in its raw state, kiri-pu-tapu, so you can see and feel the pounamu pebble just as it was found.

While it is rare to find historical Māori artefacts that feature honu, they do exist. There is a particularly magical example on a waka found here in Te Tau Ihu.  You can read more about that waka in two interesting articles here and here  As you can see, the honu has helped us unlock some answers about where, when and how Māori travelled around the pacific. The honu symoblises our links to the rest of the islands in the Pacific Ocean, the journey’s of our tupuna and our ancient connections with the people of Polynesia.

And who doesn’t love honu?  They are revered around the world and have come to symbolise wisdom, patience, longevity and safe travels.  This is a solid taonga, very grounding.  It would make a beautiful gift for someone who imbues the attributes on the honu, or perhaps someone who needs them. Or perhaps you know a traveller who needs a taonga from the whenua to keep them safe and connected on their journeys.

Learn more about the origins of Mana Taonga here.

  • Kokopu from Te Tau Ihu
  • 85mm length x 60mm width x 25mm thick
  • One of a kind, taonga by Timoti

💚Now every taonga you purchase helps us to carve a taonga for EVERY tamariki in care in Aotearoa. You can read more about our Tū Māia project here. Ngā mihi mahana for your support of this kaupapa!💚


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