Roimata Tangiwai taonga with a secret surprise within….

This gently shaped Tangiwai roimata taonga carries a secret.  Find a torch or put your phone torch behind it and we think you will be pleasantly suprised by the treasure you’ll find within this pounamu taonga. It’s quite magical but we won’t show you here as we don’t want to spoil the surprise!

And that white rind edge, mmmm, just an extra little touch of beauty.

Roimata are the tears cried by two sacred albatross that accompanied Pourangahua to Aotearoa.  As such they are a lovely gift when you are wanting to express empathy and compassion for the sorrow of a loved one. Roimata can also be the tears between an unbreakable love and are therefore a beautiful way to show someone that you love them, you are thinking of them, and that you are with them always.

If you are looking for a little gift that expresses your love and appreciation then this cute little roimata pendant is it.

  • One of a kind taonga by Timoti
  • Tangiwai pounamu gathered by us from te awe of  Te Tau Ihu
  • 60mm length x 20mm max width



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