Tangiwai Whakaniko Matakahi – Unique pounamu earrings

He iti te matakahi, pakaru rikiriki te tōtara
A wedge may be small but it can break up the tōtara into fragments.

As this whakatauki so aptly describes, although small a wedge can make big changes.  Similarly, we can all be like that. A small act of kindness, a gentle word spoken, a little forgiveness. We can be the wedge that makes big changes for the better in the lives and the world around us. These unique pounamu earrings were carved to be beautiful reminders of the power we hold as individuals to be a wedge of change for the better.

Tangiwai is the most ancient form of pounamu. It is bowenite rock, which is different in composition to the more common nephrite.

Tangiwai takes its name from the tears that come from great sorrow. Tangi means “to cry” and wai means “water”, or “tears”. Koko-tangiwai, the longer name for this stone, refers to a deep sorrow that is never completely healed.

Flick through the photos and you will see that they have an ethereal glow when the light is behind them.  Quite magical.

Hung from rolled gold hooks, these earrings in ancient Tangiwai Pounamu are quite mesmerising as they swing and move in your ear.  They add a pop of unique style to any outfit.

Finer Details
  • Pounamu gathered by us from Te Tau Ihu awa.
  • Length 90mm from top of hoop to bottom of pounamu.    Pounamu 59mm
  • 14k Rolled gold hook, made by us.


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