Ahi Kā Roa – stunning pounamu earrings

These stunning pounamu earrings represent ahi kā roa – the long-burning fire that symbolises continuous occupation of an area.  Fire was an essential part of everyday life for Māori, to cook the kai and keep everybody warm. So when a hapu occupied an area they would, of course, keep their fires burning continuously. The fires indicated continuous occupation and therefore title to the land by the group who kept them burning.

Ahi kā roa also means to figuratively keep the marae “warm” with the presence of people.  To keep your marae alive and growing, to support the maintenance of your whenua, to know your whakapapa and pass it on to your tamariki. This is ahi kā roa.

These earrings represent that ahi, that fire, and the ahi of the individual who wears them. The one who strives to keep their home fires burning.

  • One of a kind taonga by Timoti
  • 105mm total length.  Pounamu 80mm
  • Hung on 14k rolled rose gold hoops


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