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Nga mihi Tim and Morganne.
Profile Description
Guided by moemoea (dreams), which are powerful messages to self; and driven to do what is right over what is profitable, Taonga by Timoti has a simple approach and clear perspective:
“People before profit. Papatuanuku before profit. Integrity before profit.”
Driving this is a core focus and connection to wairua. The wairua (essence) to create, share and gift.
Create: At Taonga by Timoti each taonga is hand carved, sourced and designed using the stones own qualities to create a unique taonga, specific to the wearer.
Share: To share is to empower others. At Taonga by Timoti this applies to our hosted experience groups as well as the work Timoti does with local rangatahi.
Gift: Tū Maia is a connected gifting system, for every taonga by Timoti purchased, a pendant is carved and gifted to a tamariki in care, in Aotearoa.
Product Descriptions
At Taonga by Timoti we create taonga pounamu of various types: bangles and rings, earrings, pendants and necklaces, dots and guitar picks. Found here
But we also host intimate carving experiences where manuhiri discover the history and beauty of pounamu in a range of hands on experiences from 4 hours, 6 hours to an immersive 4 day experience. Found here.
Media Profile
We are proud of the mahi we do here at Taonga by Timoti, and thrilled to be profiled in print, radio, online and in podcasts. Here are a few of our favourites:
Content Pillars
Our values of kaitiakitanga and whanaungatanga guide our work; and infused into every operational element are our principles of practice, or, how we operate:
- Matatika - to do what is fair, equitable and honest.
- Tikanga – to apply the correct customary practises of our iwi and region.
The visibility of values in our work… | |
Kaitiakitanga | Whanaungatanga |
At Taonga by Timoti we live by the principles of protection and conservation. Papatuanuku is at the fore of everything we do – as a whānau and a pākihi (business).
| We believe in the power of people. To make positive change, to uplift, to champion, to guide one another and to lead by example. He whanau Kotahi matau – we are all one family. Most evident in our:
Frequently Asked Customer Questions
A comprehensive list of FAQ can be found here
Images and Logo
Additional images can be found in our websites Gallery page.